Praxis at Colleges Nine and Ten

January 13, 2015


Praxis is a Colleges Nine and Ten service learning organization.  We volunteer in the local community with a variety of nonprofits.  In November the group volunteered with Habitat For Humanity. Members spent a Saturday morning helping to build houses for two families in the Live Oak community. They used power tools, sawed wood, and did heavy lifting. It was a great way to engage in an experience that was new to many of our members.  Upon reflection after the project, Praxis members voiced that they enjoyed learning new skills, spending time in a unique environment with friends, and seeing a part of Santa Cruz that they had never been to before.

The name Praxis means "action with reflection." Service learning is unlike charity work or volunteerism because it emphasizes that service is a two-way street where both sides benefit. Through service learning one gets to engage more deeply with their community, learn about issues and solutions in society, and experientially learn a wide range of skills in different contexts. 

If you are interested in getting involved with Praxis you can come to weekly meetings Thursday nights at 9:00 pm in the Colleges Nine and Ten Recreation Lounge.