Advising Mission Statement

In our mission to recognize the critical role college advisers play in the transitional process students go through at the university, the John R. Lewis College academic advising program is committed to meeting a diverse assortment of advising needs in terms of clarifying and assisting students' achievements of their individual academic, career, and life goals. In this endeavor, college advisers provide clear and coherent developmental, informative, and prescriptive programs for students' successful persistence and matriculation. As the theme of John R. Lewis College is "Social Justice and Community," we encourage students to incorporate related course work, community activism, co-curricular programs, and field study experiences in a meaningful manner to better understand and appreciate the complexity and interactions at play in our diverse and global society.


The primary goal is to assist students in identifying and clarifying their academic direction and educational goals, and to help them develop meaningful and compatible educational plans and success strategies.


While the ultimate responsibility for making educational planning decisions rests with students, the college advising office at John R. Lewis College is committed to the following objectives:

1. Teaching students about degree requirements, university policies, procedures, and academic support resources, and educational opportunities relevant to their success;

2. Clarifying, interpreting, and applying academic policies and requirements as needed;

3. Helping students develop educational plans to meet their academic goals and guide them through the process of value clarification;

4. Assisting students in the selection of appropriate courses, other educational/experiential opportunities, and co-curricular programs;

5. Ensuring compliance with university policies regarding academic success and minimum progress;

6. Collecting and distributing data regarding students' academic needs, standing, and performance for use in making institutional decisions and policy;

7. Fostering meaningful adviser-advisee relationships that focus on the unique growth and development of each student; and

8. Providing accurate information about academic programs and educational opportunities.